Smudge It
Smudging, the ceremony that involves the burning of sacred herbs, for spiritual cleansing or blessing. And what smudging ceremony would be complete without your own smudging feather.
A few examples of the many diverse feathers available in our store. All made in house by our own hands.
New products now available at Auntie Jenns…..
Well it’s been an exciting year, and are even more excited to ring in the New Year with a ton of new products for our awesome customers. New items you will be seeing on the shelves now include:
-100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils, we currently have 16 scents to choose from in 10ml (.33 fl oz.)
-Powder Incense – avail in 7 scents
-Incense Oils – avail in multiple scents
-Leather hand tooled, hand crafted belts – multiple sizes and patterns avail. Custom belts avail ( allow 3 to 4 weeks for completion)
-In house made
-Leather and deer skin medicine bags
-Handmade smudging feathers
-Expanded smudges and sages
and many many more items.
Fox Tails have arrived……..
Artic Fox Tails are finally here, YAY. We also have Blue Frost, Crystal Fox, Natural Golden Island, Natural Blue, and Bobcat (not Pictured) available. Limited quantities available. Come see us at the village.
Ramping up for the Peddlers Fair Memorial Weekend
Well its that time of year again for the one of the largest events in Coarsegold, CA. The Memorial Day Peddlers Fair at the Coarsegold Historic Village. It been a blur of getting things ready and the store stocked with an array of different and unique items. We have something for everyone. Come check us out May 26-29, 2017. Mention you saw us here and receive a 10% discount on your purchase. And as always any Veterans with a valid military ID will receive 25% off any purchase in the store.
Auntie Jenns now has a home on the internet!
Welcome to the online home of our store! We will be posting pictures of some great things available in our physical store, just let us know if you would like something you see and we will figure out how to get it to you.
Thank you for stopping by!
Auntie Jenn

Auntie Jenns Jams
While we enjoy good music here at the shop, the jams we are talking about come in glass jars. We have several different varieties to choose from.

Hand worked leather covered flasks
Here is a small sample of our hand tooled leather items.